All launches follow the Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA) High Power Safety Codes.
Do NOT follow Google Maps when coming out to
the launch site
The way Google Maps directs you to the launch site,
is through the desert and soft sand
If you get stuck, it's expensive to get pulled out, so don't do it!
Follow the directions on the Launch Site page
Any rocketry activities (launches or static tests) outside the use of California
State Fire Marshall certified motors is not allowed at the Holtville site.
There are no research (i.e. experimental) rocket activities allowed at
Per our lease with Imperial County, all vehicle drivers are required to fill out
a Waiver / Release of Liability which will be submitted to Imperial County.
Please see the IC Waiver page for
Launches are Saturday 8:00am to Dusk up to
18,000' for Class 2 Rockets with
possible Class 1 night launches
All certifications will be performed on
All certification exams will be ginve at 10:00 AM on Saturday.
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